Alkhidmat marks World Water Day with seminar
Alkhidmat Karachi and Karachi University’s Environmental Sciences department jointly organizeda seminar and walk to commemorate World Water Day. A large number of students and teachers, as well as environmentalists and officials from Alkhidmat Karachiincluding Manager Clean Water Department Alkhidmat Karachi Saad Akbar attended the twin events. Experts spoke on the occasion expounding the importance of clean water and explaining why water currently available through our taps is unfit for drinking, leading to a number of water borne diseases.They also spoke on the need to supply Karachi with its full quota of water and the importance of conserving water and using it with care and discretion. Assistant Director Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) Aini Zahra was the chief guest on the occasion, while other leading speakers included Director Community Services Alkhidmat Karachi Qazi Syed Sadruddeen, Director Institute of Environmental Studies Dr. Muazzam Ali Khan, Dean of Faculty, Mehran University of Engineering, Dr. Kamran Khan Muhammad Brohi, Assistant Professor Dr. AamirAlamgeer and Assistant Professor Dr. Waqar Ahmed.Addressing the gathering, Aini Zahra lauded Alkhidmat’s efforts to spread awareness of the importance of clean water and its impact on the environment and our lives by celebrating World Water Day. Qazi Syed Sadruddeen briefed the audience about Alkhidmat Karachi’s various welfare activities and disclosed that the organization was working for decades in the field of Clean Water with 53 filtration plants operating round-the-clock in the city. Dr. Muazzam Ali Khan lamented the unavailability of clean water in the city and the urgent need to remedy the situation as clean water was directly linked to life. Dr. AamirAlamgeer informed the participants that tap water was considered fit for drinking worldwide but not in our country. Dr. Kamran Khan Muhammad Brohi said that the health of future generations depended on the availability of safe drinking water failing which there could be epidemics of water borne diseases. Dr. Waqar Ahmed spoke on the failure of the K3 agreement to supply the full quota of water to Karachi and emphasized on the need for dams to redress the situation. At the end of the seminar, the participants undertook a walk to mark the occasion of World Water Day and spread awareness about the importance and conservation of clean water.