Donate for Education
Under this program, Alkhidmat offers Alfalah scholarships to talented students, takes care of street and deserving children by providing them with free of cost school books, stationery and uniform. Managing schools and 72 madaris under its aegis where quality is imparted on modern lines and in accordance with Islamic values. Hostel facilities are also offered to students from other cities.
Orphans are considered as the most neglected segment of society worldwide, particularly in the developing countries which host most of the helpless orphan children (Pakistan has over 4.2 million orphan children). Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan has established Orphan Care Program to provide necessary support to these vulnerable children.

3,872 Alfalah Scholarships
2 Hostels
126 Million Pkr Expenditure
29,795 Beneficiaries
31 Child Protection Centers
52 Alkhidmat Schools
70 Skills Development Centers