Alkhidmat Opens New Clinic, Pharmacy and Collection Point in Gulshan-e-Maymar
Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Hafiz Naeemur Rehman inaugurated Alkhidmat Karachi’snew clinic, pharmacy and collection point in Gulshan-e-Maymaryesterday. Present on the occasion were Director Pharmacy Services SayyedJamshed Ahmed, Jamaat-e-Islami’s candidate for NA 244 Irfan Ahmed and managers and senior officials from Alkhidmat’s Health and Pharmacy services. Speaking on the occasion, Hafiz Naeem said thatAlkhidmat which was providing exemplary healthcare services throughout the country through its hospitals, clinics and pharmacies that were operating on international standards and offering medicines at subsidized rates. Hafiz Naeem went on to declare that Alkhidmat planned to open 200 pharmacies throughout the country. This was in addition to the Bano Qabil Pharmacist program that was launched recently which would be extended to accommodate housewives also. He went on to explain the numerous welfare services that Alkhidmat was providing such as clean water, education, orphan care as well as the successful Bano Qabil free IT courses program which was in its second edition with 25,000 youth enrolledin it. The second edition had been enhanced with more courses and centers to accommodate the overwhelming response from the city’s youth who wanted to become financially independent and professionally successful. Appreciating Alkhidmat’s dedicated and non-discriminatory welfare services in every field, Irfan Ahmed disclosed that soon a Water Filtration plant as well as Funeral Bus would be provided for the residents of Gulshan-e-Maymar. At the conlusion of the program, the two guests visited the new clinic, pharmacy and collection point and witnessed the activities there.