Alkhidmat Pharmacy organizes ‘Medication Safety’ awareness program
Karachi( PR ) Alkhidmat Karachi’s Pharmacy Services division organized a ‘medication Safety’ awareness program at the Alkhidmat Nazimabad hospital recently. The program was attended by a number of pharmacists, nurses and officials of Alkhidmat Karachi’s Pharmacy Services division. Speaking as the Chief Guest, Dr. Tariq Mansoor of the Saudi German Hospitals Group, UAE, expounded on the importance of understanding and managing the safety of medicines by qualified pharmacists to avoid mishaps. He said that providing the right medicine by a qualified pharmacist was as important as diagnosing a patient’s illness by a good doctor. He stressed upon the storage of genuine medicines at the right temperature and checking the expiry dates of medicines in the store to prevent the sale of expired, low-quality or adulterated medicine as these could prove harmful to patients. Only the prevention of such errors and the provision of quality medicine could earn the trust of customers, according to him.