Alkhidmat starts annual health screening for 2,200 orphans
Alkhidmat Karachi recently initiated its annual health screening for 2,200 orphans registered under its Orphan Care program. In the first phase, 171 orphan children were screened for common illnesses at the Alkhidmat FareedaYaqoob Hospital in Karachi. Check-ups were conducted for ENT, dental as well as eye illnesses, and prescribed medicines were given free to those who needed them. These children and their guardians were also given important medical advice by the doctors to keep themselves healthy. Executive Director Alkhidmat Karachi Rashid Qureishi, Director Orphan Care Program YousufMuhyiudeen, and Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami District Malir Muhammad Islam visited the camp and met the children and their guardians. Speaking on the occasion, Rashid Qureishi said that 2,200 orphan children were registered under Alkhidmat’s Orphan Care Program, whom Alkhidmat was providing monthly stipends as well as yearly health screenings with valuable precautionary advice to avoid disease and maintain a healthy life.YousufMuhyiudeen said that Alkhidmat cared for these children just like our own children as they represented the future of the nation. On his part, Muhammad Islam acknowledged Alkhidmat’s great contribution to society through such initiatives for orphans and appealed to the public to support such activities.