Alkhidmat’s Summer Camp for Aghosh orphans concludes
Alkhidmat Karachi’s 20-day Summer Camp for orphans staying at Karachi’s Aghosh Home at Gulshan-e-Maymar concluded recently. The camp was a huge success and a great opportunity for learning and entertainment for these children. Among the activities organized during the camp were martial arts, hiking, swimming, campfire, language and computer classes, first aid training, sapling planting and many more interesting ones. At the conclusion of the camp, an annual get-together was arranged at the premises of the Gulshan-e-MaymarAghosh Home where performance awards were handed out to deserving students and staff. Chief Guest for the event was Ji local leader Abul Zia Parvez while those who attended included President Alkhidmat Gulshan-e-MaymarAbulKhair Malik, Najeeb Ahmed Hanafi from Alkhidmat Children’s Department Karachi, Manager Aghosh Homes Musab bin Abdul Qadirand other senior officials. Adnan Allah Dita was awarded the “Aghosh Star” prize for year-round excellence in education and moral behaviour while others received shields for their respective performances. Among the staff who were rewarded with shields were Nazim Aghosh Homes Ahsan Khursheed, NazimSalaat Noman Yaseen, Nazim Health Anas Khan and others. Speaking on the occasion ,Abul Zia Parvezlauded the organizing of the Summer Camp which would prove beneficial for the children in terms of both, their health, entertainment and education. AbulKhair Malik praised Alkhidmat’s contribution to orphan children whom he termed the future of the country and called upon the public to support Alkhidmat in thisnoble activity.Najeeb Ahmed Hanafi spoke to the children and encouraged them to study hard and succeed in their endeavours.Lastly, Musab bin Abdul Qadir thanked the guests for attending the event and gave a brief account of the activities at Aghosh Homes.