
CEO Alkhidmat Naveed Ali Baig thanks donors

CEO Alkhidmat Karachi Naveed Ali Baig has thanked the public for giving their Zakat, Sadaqah, Atiyah and Fitrah during Ramadan to Alkhidmat. Likening the act of charity to doing business with Allah, he said that such a trade can never fail to bring benefits to its participants. He said that Alkhidmat’s welfare services touched every facet of life, such as orphan care, clean water, healthcare, education, microfinance, disaster management and other community services. He added that in Ramadan, Alkhidmat had provided rations and meat to tens of thousands of needy citizens, helping to ease their burden in the holy month. He also disclosed that a huge number of citizens had trusted Alkhidmat with their Zakat, Fitrah and other charity during Ramadan, and proceeded to thank them while assuring them of a great reward from Allah in this world and the Hereafter. Naveed Ali Baig underlined Allah’s pleasure and acceptance as the sole purpose of Alkhidmat’s services and appealed to donors to continue giving their Zakat and other charity to Alkhidmat in the future too.


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