Donate for Community Services
The community focused social services arm of Alkhidmat caters to the needy and destitute each year during the Holy month of Ramadan through Ration package, gifts on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr and with sacrificial meat on the eve of Eid-ul-Azha. They are provided with warm clothing, blankets and quilts etc during winters. Similarly runs a Fleet of Coffing carrying buses and ambulances. It also holds rehabilitation sessions for the social and moral well being of the communities.
Pakistan is facing multifarious social problems in 21st century ranging from poverty to civic ignorance and malnourishment. The country stands at 145th position at Human Development Index (HDI) and almost 50% of Pakistan’s population is deprived of basic necessities. As per HDR report 27.1% Pakistanis live under severe poverty conditions.

2,967 Wheelchairs
3,470 Prisoners Welfare
25,111 Winter Packages
42,329 Ramadan Packages
11,298 Eid Gifts
1,204,230 Beneficiaries
539 Million Pkr Expenditure
58,352 Qurbani Meat Packs
36 Masajid Construction & Rehablitations
2,335 Dewali & Christmas Gifts