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Feed the hungry and become the best of mankind. All you need to give is PKR 300 per person to be fed. Feeding the hungry is considered a highly appreciated and rewardable deed in Islam, and there are numerous aayaat and ahaadeeth that encourage Muslims to perform this act of generosity.  In the Holy Qur’an, Allah describes the quality of the deserving of Paradise, as, “And they feed out of love for Him, the needy and the orphan and the captive.” (S. al Insaan: 8) The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said, The best of you are those who feed others." (Musnad Ahmed) Alkhidmat runs a public luncheon service or Dastarkhwan at several locations in Karachi where the poor and needy are provided free lunch and dinner of reasonable quality.


Pakistan is facing multifarious social problems in 21st century ranging from poverty to civic ignorance and malnourishment. The country stands at 145th position at Human Development Index (HDI) and almost 50% of Pakistan’s population is deprived of basic necessities. As per HDR report 27.1% Pakistanis live under severe poverty conditions.

2,967 Wheelchairs
3,470 Prisoners Welfare
25,111 Winter Packages
42,329 Ramadan Packages
11,298 Eid Gifts
1,204,230 Beneficiaries
539 Million Pkr Expenditure
58,352 Qurbani Meat Packs
36 Masajid Construction & Rehablitations
2,335 Dewali & Christmas Gifts


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