Mayyat Bus (Coffin Carrier)
Alkhidmat funeral bus service was founded in 1972. At that time these services were provided by no one. In the beginning, there were only two buses but as time passed more were added to the fleet as per the requirement. Alhumdulillah, Right now, AlKhidmat has the most number of funeral buses i.e. 17 in the city of Karachi.
With the passage of time, the maintenance on these buses is costing more than the earned from the Funeral bus service revenue. The population of Karachi is growing and the current number of buses is not enough for keeping up with the requirement. Due to the reduced rates of the service, the Alkhidmat funeral service majorly depends on the Alkhidmat Karachi.
Plan for the Future
We aim to replace our 5 Bedford buses of Model before 1980 with the new ones. Complete overhauling of Buses from model 1981-84, which includes repair of the engine, denting and painting and giving them a renovated look.
Old bus

Recently Renovated bus

You all can be part of the Sadqa-e-jariya by helping AlKhidmat in this project of maintaining and purchase of old and new funeral buses respectively. You can either help us in the overhauling of the used buses that have a total of Rs. 30 lacs or contribute to the purchase of the new funeral buses that have a total of Rs. 30 crores.