Sadaqah Goat
Donate a goat as Sadaqah, and Alkhidmat will arrange everything for you, from buying a suitable animal and slaughtering it, to distributing the meat to the needy. The amount for one goat is currently PKR 15,000. We run orphanages, public kitchens, madrasahs and various causes that need a regular supply of meat. You can rest assured that your donation will be taken care of in the best of manners. May Allah accept your efforts and reward you for your kind gesture.
Orphans are considered as the most neglected segment of society worldwide, particularly in the developing countries which host most of the helpless orphan children (Pakistan has over 4.2 million orphan children). Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan has established Orphan Care Program to provide necessary support to these vulnerable children.

57 Clusters
1,240 Activities Held
140 Study Centers
12,934 Beneficiaries
1,009 Million PKR Expenditure