Over 100 thousands Karachiites appear in Bano Qabil 2.0 test
Engr Naeemur Rehman vows to empower Karachi youth
Announces Bano Qabil IT college in 2024, CSS preparation program to be launched soon
Retired Brig Haris Nawaz hails Alkhidmat and the JI for this revolutionary development
KARACHI: September 10: Over 100,000 Karachi youth appeared in the aptitude test for Bano Qabil Information Technology Project 2.0, here on Sunday, offering 100 percent scholarship for diploma in 15 disciplines that would enable the certificate holders to earn 100 US Dollars per week on an average.
A large number of volunteers, comprising several clusters of teachers and students, facilitated the aspiring candidates for the test. Separate arenas were erected for male and female candidates, besides waiting areas for parents and families. Medical emergency response units and makeshift washrooms were also made a available to facilitate the participants.
On the occasion, prize distribution ceremony was also held for the successful students of Bano Qabil 1.0 program. Apart from the youth, a large number of people looking for opportunities to switch their professions, as well as house wives also appeared in the test.
Caretaker Interior Minister, Sindh Haris Nawaz and several prominent personalities, belonging to the IT sector and other walks of life, including Business tycoon Jawed Bilwani, Social Media Influencer Rehan Allahwala, Zahid Cheepa of Islam 360, Comedians Ayaz Khan and Kashif Khan, Industrialist Riazuddun, Bano Qabil Director Farooq Kamlani and others also graced the occasion with their presence.
Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Karachi Ameer Engr Hafiz Naeemur Rehman and Alkhidmat Chief Executive Naveed Baig also addressed the participants.
Engr Naeemur Rehman in his address vowed to empower the youth of Karachi and announced to establish the Bano Qabil IT University by the end of 2024. He also announced that Alkhidmat will also launch a CSS preparation program for the youth of Karachi.
He urged the youth to join the JI’s struggle for the progress and development of the mega city. He said that the JI doesn’t believe in discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, so it would serve all Karachiites without any discrimination of cast, creed and colour.
He said that the JI would not only take back the city mayor office but will also constitute the next government in the Sindh Assembly.
The JI leader said that the future of the city and the country has assembled in the Bag e Jinnah. He dubbed the participants as a message of hope for the entire country.
He said that nature has blessed Karachi with over 6.5 million people in the age bracket between 14 to 25. He said that this generation has the capacity to earn billions of dollars per year.
He held the previous ruling regimes responsible for the miseries of youth. He further said brain drain and flight overseas are not the solution to the miseries of Karachi and Karachiites.
Engr Naeemur Rehman vowed to empower the youth and enable them to earn in dollars while residing in the country. In this way, he said, we would also strengthen the value of the rupee in this way, he added.
Retired Brig Haris Nawaz hailed Alkhidmat and the JI for this revolutionary development. He told the candidates to take keen interest in their respective courses and said that this initiative has the capacity to bring home 200 billion US dollars.
He offered that the government would resolve the issues and hurdles against paving ways for the latest technology.
It was a matter of great pride and rejoice to know that a large number of students have started earning between 100 to 200 USD, he said.